National Cultural Commission supports Kokopo Show


The National Cultural Commission (NCC) has supported the 2019 Coca-Cola Kokopo Show with K30,000.

Upon presenting the cheque in Kokopo, NCC Acting Executive Director Steven Enomb Kilanda congratulated the show committee and Minister for Tourism, Arts and Culture and Kokopo MP Hon Emil Tammur for reviving the show.

“One of the missions of the NCC is to revive, promote, preserve, safeguard and develop the intangible and tangible cultural heritage of the country” Mr Kilanda said.

Mr Kilanda went on to state that the NCC’s core function is to coordintate and support such activities that promote culture and traditions and assist the local people as well as our visitors who attend these events. He further added that NCC would increase their support for the show next year.

The show commenced during Independence and continued through the week featuring cultural dances, games, live bands and string band performances.

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